Sunday, 15 January 2012

Work on your strengths, dont worry about your weaknesses (for now)

January, time of new years resolutions and setting goals for the next year. Here's my top tip for you: work at your strengths and dont worry about your weaknesses (for now).

Now I'm not talking to the complete athlete that has dedicated themselves to mastering all aspects of their sport. Those with that level of dedication and the goals to match will do what they have to to become competitve at an elite level.

No Im talking to myself, or the 30 something enthusiast with a limited time budget for training and recovery, someone who has to make the most of a little.

I know my weaknesses very well, any crossfit workout that has me going overhead for mulitple reps is a nightmare, becuase I just cant jerk! Likewise, anything with runs in it is a huge pain, and will see me at the bottom of the whiteboard.

My number one strength is strength, I can deadlift, squat and clean a lot of weight pretty quick. When it comes to WODs with weighted movements and heavy lifts, I excel (most of the time).

So for the next 6 months Im going to focus on making myself as strong as possible. My targets are a 2.5x body weight deadlift, 2x  bodyweight squat and 1x body weight overhead press. Am I going to ignore everything else? No, I will run, do olympic lifts and gymnastics as well. I Just wont prioritse these in my training, I will "play" at them when and if they come up, but "work" on my strength, i.e. follow a regular program and devote energy and recovery time to it.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? Are your new years resolutions and goals focused on covering the gaps or making the most of what you are good at? My advice is to make the most of your time and energy on pushing your strengths as far as they can go, then and only then worry about your weaknesses.